Saturday, July 30, 2011

In Loving Memory of Sugar

I lost my pet dog, Sugar, to Ehrlichiosis today, July 31, 2011 at exactly 12:30 PM, Philippine time.

It was a tough battle, but Sugar and I gave it all we've got, until this morning when I fully realized I was losing her. She knew it, too. The last time I sat her on my lap, she gave me a knowing look.

Death came in slowly, with every dying sign happening before my eyes. Sugar did not grimace or cry; in fact, when I thanked her for coming into my life, and for the joy she brought me, she wagged her tail. Despite her hard gasps for air, she wanted me to know, she heard me. I chose to remember it to be so.

I made every effort possible to make her comfortable as she breathed her last. When she did, I knew I lost not just a pet dog, but a daughter.

Yes, she was like a daughter to me. That's how I would like to remember Sugar.

This blog is intended to find cure for common dog ailments that sufficient information to pet owners may save a dog's life. Although I was prompt in seeking professional veterinary help when Sugar got sick, I knew I could have done a lot better had I received more information on how to successfully care for a pet dog. All I knew then was just to pet and to bathe her; to feed and to play with her whenever my hurried schedule allowed it.

"A little learning is a dangerous thing"...and I paid a high price for it.

Farewell Sugar...I love you very much.